
Monday, January 23, 2012

Guest Blogger: Jenna from VitalityYogaNow.Com

Yoga and Creativity

First off I have to say that I am so excited for Heather Brown and Love 3 Boutique
for asking me to be a guest blogger. I have known Heather for many years (she had
a pixie cut and I was a brunette!) and she has to be the most creative genius that I
know. So Heather, thank you and I love you!

As for me, I teach yoga. One of the most common questions I hear is “what can
yoga do for me?”. If you gave me all day, I still couldn’t cover the benefits that yoga
would bring to your life. Most people correctly assume that yoga will help you gain
flexibility, which is very true. But yoga goes so far past that. Not only will you gain
flexibility, but you will also improve your balance and gain strength. Yes you read
me right! Yoga can make you stronger.

Yoga also strengthens your immune system, lowers blood pressure, increases
lung capacity, eases anxiety, fights depression, helps you lose weight, increases
concentration, the list goes on and on….

For this article, I’m going to focus on another benefit: Tapping into Your Creativity.
If you take away one thing, take this: Tension in your body = Tension in your Mind.
It’s a vicious cycle. When you become upset, stressed, worried, etc about something,
your breathing becomes shallow and your muscles in turn tense up. With less
oxygen intake and tight muscles, your body cannot circulate energy freely. This
creates tension in your mind, which causes more “runaway” thoughts and feeling of
distress and anxiety. To unlock the door that’s separating you from those amazing
ideas that are inside of you, you must be relaxed in body and spirit.

Yoga or any intelligent body movement strengthens your mind-body connection,
showing you where you are tight in your body and helping you to release that
tension which in turns helps you relax and slow your mind down. Now your mind
can open up and the creative thoughts can flow freely.
So take a few moments to move your body, sit down and focus on your breath. Feel
the peace and love fill your body, and open your heart and mind to that creative
genius inside…

Love and Laughter

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