
Monday, August 15, 2011

Case of The Mondays: Weekend Wrap Up

So, I went into my weekend knowing what was going on.  I had a birthday girl's night out for one of my "Besties" and I was pretty excited about it because it had a dress up theme, Jerseylicious.  Now even though I have never seen the show, I am a sucker for dressing up!  [My birthday party this year is a Nerdolution theme!]  But late on Friday night my husband dropped a little bomb on me that leaves us a little strapped for cash (I swear I have the worst luck with vehicles).  So I was unable to go out with the girls.  
To salvage my weekend I decide to work on items that I will be selling at my FIRST BOOTH!!!  I am super excited about this.  It's kind of a small venue, but I don't even care!  [I'll share the event with you soon ;)]  While planning out what I was going to be working on, I texted back and forth with another friend and found out the she needed to find a baby shower gift for someone.  So, since I absolutely LOVE to make diaper cakes, I offer my services.  So instead of being out at a club all dressed up with the girls, I spent Saturday night at my place teaching my friend how to make a diaper cake.  This made my night not such a bust, [I mean, my nights are never a bust as long as they're spent with my hubby!] but you get what I'm saying.  Plus I was able to get one cute bag made as well.

So, how did you spend your weekend?

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