So, I got this creative bug over the weekend and still haven't been able to shake it. I mean, of's always there but there are definitely periods of time where..."The FORCE is strong in this one!" (My little nod to Comic Con which was this past weekend.) Any who, thankfully I have this AMAZING husband who is incredibly tolerant and patient when it comes to this part of me. He was all systems go this weekend to work on projects, and so we did!
Project #1: Decorating with a birdcage and two lanterns
Project #1: Decorating with a birdcage and two lanterns
So we sold ALL of the birdcages that were used at our wedding except TWO. I wanted to keep them because I had some decorating ideas on what to do with them and so, naturally they ended up collecting dust in my "Craft Room" until Friday night. So, last minute on Friday night we went out and got some white spray paint and dark turquoise ("lagoon" on the can) spray paint to paint one of the birdcages and hang it from the ceiling. We got these pretty awesome hooks from Lowe's to hang them from.
I didn't want to change the color of the lanterns, just the birdcage. I am incredibly grateful to have a husband who isn't afraid of color. { Did I mention that I am pretty lucky to have him? :) } So, while I went to work outside spraying the birdcage with white paint (a cheap solution to primer), he went to work in the living room putting in the hooks.
We don't own a ladder so we used a "make shift"...ha ha ha
Not thinking things all the way through, he really needed some goggles to protect his eyes. But since we didn't have any, he made do with a pair of my giant sunglasses. :) Doesn't he wear them well?
I went to work sewing burlap covers for the string we were using to hang them by and then...
Our decorating job was finished! I am so excited with the way it turned out!
What do you think? Do you have some decor in your living room that's cool and different? Comment a link and share! :)
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