Ok, so this is for everyone who hasn't heard the story yet but wants to. Okay, so we got engaged on April 10th ( Good Friday ). The thursday night before I was at work and Trey kept texting me about how he really wanted to go to the zoo the next morning, and I really didn't want to go. We go pretty much every year, and we said last year that we weren't going to go back until the ne aquarium was open and it still wasn't, so I saw no point in going. I kept telling him that it would be boring and to please come up with something new to do. Well, he was pretty determined, but then again, so was I. I didn't get home from work until right around 4:00 a.m. so I left a note on the Magna-Doodle on our door ( yes that's right...magna-doodle...ha ha ) saying that I really didn't want to go to the zoo, it was 4 a.m. and I didn't want to be woken up early! So this fool, wakes me at 10:30 ( for those of you who really know me, I need my sleep more than anything! ) I was so frickin' upset with him about this! He tells me that it feels great and to wear shorts and a t-shirt and shorts...( it was very chilly once we got to the zoo )...so that made me angry. I was being so mean to him, I feel so bad! So anyways, we'r
e walking around the zoo, which is crazy crowded because school is out, and he knows that I don't really like crowds, so he keeps waiting for a less crowded place.

So we're walking up the path behind the elephants and he starts with insulting me. Which, if you know our relationship at all, that's just how we are with eachother. (For those of you who don't know Trey very well, he is the bottomless pit of useless information. I mean, like I've even bought him books on it to be funny.) So, while we're walking he says, "You know, I love coming to the zoo, because everytime I come I learn something new." And I ask, "Really, Trey?! What did you learn today?" "Well, I learned that if a cat has a mate for a long time and they're separated, one can go into a severe depression?.....And I learned that someone can be driven completely insane from another person being late all the time..." And we're holding hands so I just turn and give him a dirty look. "And I never knew that it could take someone for weeks to hang up clean laundry..." Again I give him a dirty look, (and just so you don't think that I'm a crazy dirty person, I'm not...all of our laundry pretty much hangs and doesn't go into the dryer. So in our spare bedroom is where we keep the racks and that's whe
re all of this was...out of sight, out of mind, you know! And I'm a very forgetful person sometimes.) Anyways, I try to pull away from him and he grabs my hand tighter and pulls me closer and says that he's not through..."Ugh!" So we're standing next to the fence and he keeps looking over his shoulder, because at this time, there are a lot of people coming up the ramp. So he was waiting for them to pass us first. Then he starts again, "And I didn't know the first time I saw you in high school that you would wind up being my best friend." So, I look up at him, "What?!" He leans over and kisses my cheek and says, "And if you'll answer this next question for me..." I tell you what...once he got down on one knee...I have no frickin' idea what he was saying! I was stuck in an "Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" moment.

This lady walked by with her husband and was like, "Aaawwwweeeee...oh my gosh...." and then she shewed her husband around the corner to give us privacy. When we were finished, she came running back down the ramp saying, "You two need a picture! I swear I'm not crazy, but the two of you need a picture! I'll email it to you and everything!" I love him so much!! So as of now, we've been together for a little over 6 1/2 years...and while we've been through a lot...it's been the best of my life!

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