Thanks to flickr's Princesslasertron for this photo!'s a while away (a year and a half ) but I need some helpful ideas for my wedding. I want to have Peter Pan incorporated into the theme. Not like having people dress as character or anything. It's just that, my fiance and I are not your average couple and we always like to do things up a little crazy...ha. So here's what I have so far. I want it to be very Bohemian, Peter Pan-ish, and kinda Shabby Chic. I am not big on jewelry, never really have been so I want to wear cute little acorn earings and an acorn necklace ( because Wendy wears an acorn around her neck as Peter's kiss and it saves her life ). I found this lady that make really cool looking bouquets out of buttons and felt, and buttons are one of my favorite things ever!!! I want to have old clocks and watches as part of centerpieces. I want the ringbearer to carry a teddy bear with the rings sewn on instead of a pillow ( teddy bear because it's what Michael carrys around ). And maybe, instead of a basket of petals, the flower girls carry old top hats with petals, because John wears a top hat. I found this awesome pop-up Peter Pan book to put on the Kid's table. So, if there's anything that anyone else can think of...please leave me some comments and let me know! Thanks everyone!